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Grapefruit Rosemary Sugar Scrub



My friend Kirstie posted on January 1st a fantastic summation of 2012 come 2013, “Last year my good friend Molly proclaimed 2012 the year of doing…and we did. We did many things. But it was more like the year of building the scenery. Setting the score. Building the foundation. So let 2013 be the year of accomplishment. This year we put on the play.”

My resolutions goals for 2013 are, well, dense.   I hit the ground hard on January 2nd, rolling off a red eye from Seattle, in a full-on sprint.  However, this morning, I proclaimed a time-out for “Self.”   If this is, in fact, the year of the “Play”, creating a successful pace and tempo is necessary.  The success of this year’s accomplishments will require a) personal health- mind and body  b) vision c) a strong, active community   and  d) endurance.

So in the midst of pots and pans, ingredients for tonight’s soup, a full inbox and a gym membership I need to utilize, I took 5 minutes and made a terrine of energizing body scrub that is my “hostess” gift to Self- a small jar for the morning shower, that is intended to restore, motivate, and center me for the new day and the tasks at hand.  I just took it for a test run too, and I really do feel like I can take on the world.  Let’s see about that:)


yields just over 1 cup

  1. 1 cup Organic Granulated Cane Sugar

  2. 1/2 cup Organic Safflower Oil, I chose a cold pressed oil by Spectrum

  3. 8 drops Grapefuit Essential Oil- brighten, awaken

  4. 4 drops Rosemary Essential Oil – stimulate, focus, memory retention (I love thinking about having an external aid that can help me hone in on what’s most important.


  1. Combine all ingredients and store in an air tight container up to 1 month.

And here’s to 2013, the Year of Accomplishment.

PS: Poor AJ, I’ve been on an organizing terror. As well as trading my January paycheck for bins, jars, and boxes at the Container Store, I also had our published recipes from the MasterChef Ultimate Cookbook framed…just a little reminder of some of the doing that we did

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